International Sauna Passport by SaunaGrow

Join us to promote international sauna tourism, promote healthy living and support great Sauna Venues all over the world !

* 500 EUR is the ‘early birds’ price for orders received by 31st October 2022. Subsequent venues can join the program at a price of 1000 EUR.

Details below


Entry package includes:

  • place on the list of facilities
  • place on the venue map
  • separate page in the passport, with logo, name and web address
  • 3 stamps + shipping to the venue (stamp design based on your logo, we take care of their production)
  • up to 500 first booklets to be issued at the venue (it is possible to send more copies – based on declared consumption)

At the beginning of each calendar year, there is a 200 EUR membership renewal fee to cover booklet printing and administrative costs. Venues that join after 30th September will be added to the next editions of the physical booklet, but will be added to online list&map right away.

The membership renewal price includes:

  • empty booklets ordered per demand (above 200 pcs. additional cost per booklet is 0,5 EUR + shipping cost to the venue)
  • additional stamp (if you need it)


  1. By joining the program, you accept that a guest who collects 9 unique stamps in advance can spend a free day at a chosen venue. That means, that venues which will be most active in the distribution of passports will less likely need to honour a free entry, as their stamp will be first (so never 10th).
  2. Should the venue decide not to prolong their membership in the program, their page&name on the map&list will be removed from future printed editions & online version, but the venue should still respect free 10th entry for passport holders who have their name in their booklets (even after participation of the venue in the project ends)
  3. Non Sauna Venue Partners (i.e. oils & sauna accessories producers) are also welcome, but please contact us prior to submission your entry. The process for such partners is slightly different.
  4. Project is non-profit, all money paid are for covering the admin & printing costs and the aim of the project is to promote international sauna tourism.